I have to say that, thanks God, I have achieved my goals as a pilot. I always dreamed to fly. I still love flying as it was the first day when I was sitting in the cessna 172 during my first lesson.
I have seen the world, I have learned about different cultures and religions. I have also learned to respect everybody regardless of their skin color and believes. I have met amazing people, some of them became my family.
I want to show with this picture below a map of my flights so far during my career. Firstly, I thank God for giving me the chance to do what I love. Secondly, I thank my parents and family for always supporting my dreams. Thirdly, I thank all the people who trusted me and gave me the chance to work for them.
I also want to thank all those who did not believe in me, those who tried to discourage me because from those hard times I have learned to grow my faith in Jesus Christ.
This is how the map looks so far! still more to go |
Well, this is how everything started. Since I was a kid I wanted to be a pilot. I had a very supportive family. My parents always told me to pursue my dream. They told me to study a second career while I was taking my first private pilot lessons. I did it and I'm very thankful they insisted in doing it. I completed a Technical degree in Computer Science.
This is actually not my picture but it shows the airplane I started flying when I was 17
I completed my private pilot training with instrument rating at the Camilo Prato Flying School based in Paramillo Airport (SVPM) in San Cristobal.
Then, I moved to Caracas to start my commercial pilot course. I did it at Academia Aeronautica Aeropotoco flying both the Piper Tomahawk and the Grumman Tiger. I learned a lot from great instructors there. The school is still based at Caracas Airport (SVCS).
This is a reference picture of the Piper Tomahwak
This is a reference picture of the Grumman Tiger AA5B
Once I finished my training I went back to San Cristobal where I got my first professional job as a pilot with Preacero Pellizzari, one of the biggest steel structures companies in Venezuela. I started flying a Beechcraft C90B and a Piper Seneca II. After a few years they sold the C90B and bought a brand new King Air B200. I flew with them for 7 years.
These are the airplanes I flew with Preacero Pellizzari
After that great experience I wanted to keep going. Now that I had flown turboprops my dream was to fly a jet airplane. In order to do it, I decided to go for the FAA ATPL. After researching different schools across the United States, I decided to go for ATP Flight School in Houston Southwest airport. My instructor was an amazing young guy who taught me many tips and gave me great advices in order to achieve my goal.
I flew there the Piper Seminole. It was a nice airplane to fly.
Reference picture of the PA44 Piper Seminole
Once I got my FAA ATPL, I went back to Venezuela. My friend Alberto Acevedo gave me the opportunity to get my first freelance jet job flying a Cessna Citation II (C550). It was an amazing time flying with Alberto. We went to many different places in Latin America and I expanded my personal and professional experience. I will never forget how much I learned from Alberto. To the time we still keep in touch.
N99CN was my first jet experience
After some time of flying N99CN, I got a new job offer. I got to fly a brand new Cessna CitationJet 2 (C525), N777QP. What an experience, I flew it with my friend (now he is like my brother) Francisco Feo. We mostly flew in the United States, just a few domestic flights in Venezuela and also some flights to South America. We also went to some nice airports in the Caribbean. Here you can see some of our flights.
Cruise flight with Francisco
One of our flights to Santiago de Chile, Chile
In San Francisco, USA
We went to Montreal, Canada to see the Formula 1
I loved to the paint job on the CJ2
We went to the Great Canyon in Colorado, USA
Descending to KSWF in New York
Starting the approach to KSWF in New York
I really loved the CJ2 Honeywell Proline 21 avionics
A nice view of the CJ2
Collins Proline 21 on the CJ2
A nice view of the CJ2 cockpit
In Eagle, Colorado
Fueling the CJ2
I will never forget my job flying the CJ2, it gave me lots of experience. Francisco was a pleasure to fly with during five years. We became brothers after flying together. The only reason I left this job was because I had plans to move to Canada. The situation in Venezuela was really bad. Therefore, my wife and I made the decision to give our family a better future. On March 1st, 2010 we moved to Canada to start a new life.
I got my first job in Canada two moths after we arrived. My friend Stephen Mitchell was an angel for us, always willing to help.
I started flying as a first officer on a Lear 35 with Skyservice. The company is now operating as sky-Alta, they now fly Lear 45 instead of 35. I was with the Air Ambulance division. What an experience!! I flew all over the world with them. The schedule was tough but the experience was priceless. Here are some interesting pictures of some of my flights with them:
My first ocean crossing was to Poland, here we are refueling C-GRFO in Keflavik, Iceland
This is the FBO in Keflavik. This place became very familiar after a few oceanic crossings.
We took a walk to see Rzeszow, Poland
Here my friend Sergio is plotting our oceanic route in the plotting chart. It was necessary to check every 10 minutes our position in the chart.
In our way back to Keflavik. Yu can see the moon and the Lear tip tank
Here we are in Dublin, Ireland
Fueling the Lear in Dublin,Ireland
In Iceland I saw one of the worst winter conditions.
Another view of the winter weather in Iceland
One of the most beautiful cities I visited was Edinburgh
The view of the snowy mountains approaching Keflavik was always fascinating
Listening the Scottish Bagpipe was amazing
My friend Carl finishing some paperwork
We went to Corsica Island in France
Refueling in Keflavik to continue our trip to Paris-Le Bourget
Our position in the FMC in our way to Keflavik, Iceland
Back to Keflavik and its mountains
I really liked Paris
We flew one of the most interesting approaches I have flown so far. Here we are approaching to Akureyri, Iceland
Another view of this approach, it is done in the middle of the mountains
This is the view from the ground in Akureyri, Iceland
This was our route during the day, it was a long one
Approaching to Iqaluit, Nunavut in northern Canada
This is the terminal at Iqaluit Airport
The Lear at Iqaluit ramp, we were waiting for the medical crew to come back
Iqaluit was a challenging place during winter time
During winter time people in Iqaluit do not see much sun light.
At the ramp in Kingston, Jamaica
One winter day in Kelowna, B.C
Ice accumulation on the tip tank
The Lear panel was old but it was a very efficient airplane
Airplane is ready at London Gatwick Airport
Sunset at London Gatwick Airport
Here we are flying over the Swiss Alps in our way to Greece
Approach to Athens, Greece
On the ramp in Athens getting the airplane ready
Seeing Athens was an amazing experience
So much history in Athens
Here we are in Kitchener, Ontario
Getting the airplane ready in Saint Thomas in the caribbean
With my friend Sweedek in Goose Bay, Canada. This trip was his last one with us
Fuel stop in Turkey
Fueling the airplane in Mumbai, India
We visited the concorde cockpit in one of our flights to Manchester, U.K
In our way to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
In Southhampton, U.K
I left Skyservice at the end of 2011. I am still very grateful to them because they gave me the chance to start my career in Canada. I got a job flying another Lear 35, this time was a corporate airplane, C-GTDM. I did not fly it for very long but I did some interesting flights on it. Here are some pictures of it:
C-GTDM was a nice airplane. Very similar avionics to the Skyservice ones
A nice MFD does a difference
My daughter at the controls. She is 12 now :)
A nice view of the Lear 35 engine
In our way to Toronto, Ontario
Cruise flight at 39000ft
This famous sign is in Saint Marteen warning people of the jet blast. It is a popular place for adventurous people
One of my last flights in C-GTDM
After flying the Lear 35, I got a job flying for Novajet in a Falcon 10. We used to fly both charter and medevac flights. I was amazed with the performance of the Falcon. What an airplane to fly. I really enjoyed this job. Unfortunately, they sold the airplane. Here are some pictures of my flights:
This is C-GJET in Montreal, Quebec
The airplane sitting at the ramp in Atlanta, Georgia
Approaching to North Bay during the sunset
On the ground after getting IFR clearance
One of the things I loved from the Falcon was how fast it was
waiting for the passengers
I liked the big engines on the Falcon 10
One of those winter days in Canada
In Atlanta, Georgia
In Northern Canada I saw the most beautiful scenarios in my life
F18 vs Falcon 10
Kincardine, Ontario was a challenging runway for me. It is very narrow.
I had the chance to fly the Falcon into Billy Bishop Airport in Toronto Island. Here you can see CN tower in the back
Getting ready to fly at night in C-GOJC
Sunset at North Bay, Ontario
In one of our flights we got stranded in St Agustine, Quebec due to a mechanical issue. We spent 5 days there. We finally made it back to Toronto on December 31st at 6pm
A view of the town
I got to drive a skidoo!
Here you can see how much snow we got the night before the mechanics arrived to rescue us
Low visibility in Toronto, Ontario
Well, after a year I had to leave Novajet. I had a good time and enjoyed flying for them. I got a new job flying for Image Air Charter flying a Hawker 800XP. To be honest, the Hawker is one of the best airplanes I have flown during my career. WE used to fly to Dominican Republic every week. I also flew another Hawker they had, on that one we flew mostly charters. Here are some pictures of those airplanes:
This is C-FDKL, one of the Hawkers.
This is C-GCIX
A view of the Hawker cockpit
The cockpit in the Hawker is roomy and comfortable
Getting ready to leave White Plains in New York
With my good friend Anthony Goveas in our way to the Bahamas
My beautiful wife and daughters with the Hawker
We flew to Panama City in Panama
Fueling the Hawker in Toronto, Ontario
After a year flying the Hawker, I got laid off and I made the decision to apply to fly for the airlines. To be honest, I loved flying corporate and I still do but I felt that I needed a change. It was a hard time for me and my family but with Gods help I was able to get a job as direct entry captain with Air Georgian (Air Canada Express). I am very grateful to Air Georgian. Here I became training captain and got to fly with amazing people. Here you can see some pictures of my flights on the CRJ:
This is the CRJ, one of the best airplanes I have flown
Descending to Toronto, Ontario
Sunrise from the cockpit
A nice view of the CRJ winlet
I loved the CRJ cockpit and avionics
Waiting in line to takeoff from Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlottetown, PEI during winter
Ready to start boarding in Charlottetown, PEI |
Doing the walkaround at night |
Proud to be Canadian and fly the flag
Turning during the arrival to Toronto |
One of our CRJs deicing in Toronto, Ontario
During a turn and getting ready to fly back to Toronto
Sunset from the office
Nice view of the rainbow
We flew Toronto FC to Columbus, Ohio and the chance to take this picture with the great Michael Bradley
We saw all kind of weather. During summer big thunderstorms are common across Canada and the USA.
Getting deiced in Toronto
We got a bird strike while landing in Cleveland, Ohio
Sunrise in our way back home
My time at Air Georgian came to an end when we decided to start a new challenge. We moved to Dubai, United Arab Emirates where I got a job with Flydubai flying as a Boeing 737NG/MAX first officer. Flydubai is one of the best companies I have worked for. Living in Dubai has been challenging at times but we really like it here. Here are some pictures of my flights:
This is the Boeing 737NG
I took this pictures in the 737MAX
I enjoy flying the 737
At the gate in Sofia, Bulgaria
At the gate in Bratislava, Slovakia
Late arrival to Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Dubai offers beautiful sunsets
The approach to Kabul, Afghanistan is very interesting
Sand storm approaching Dubai airport
A Dash8 had a runway excursion in Juba, South Sudan
Some airports in Russia experience low visibility
Boeing 737MAX engine
CRJ900 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegobina
Beautiful B737MAX cockpit